7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Session dates :
Spring Session 1:
Tuesdays (May 6, 13, 20, 27)
Spring Session 2:
Tuesdays (June 3, 10, 17, 24)
Summer Session 1:
Tuesdays (July 8, 15, 22, 29)
Summer Session 2:
Tuesdays (August 5, 12, 19, 26)
Each session includes 4 lessons :
Lesson 1 : Groundstrokes - Forehand & Backhand
Lesson 2 : Volleys - Forehand & Backhand
Lesson 3 : Toss, first & second service
Lesson 4 : Various drills & games focusing on the 3 main strokes in tennis (groundstrokes, volleys & serves) to integrate in gameplay situations.
Proper grip, footwork, back swing & contact point will be the focus of these lessons.
Drills will involve the 5 ball controls & consistency.​
Cost of $125.00 for each session.​
For more information about private lessons, contact us at lessonsbtc@gmail.com or call us at 613-824-0002.
The club offers both private and group lessons.
Lessons have a duration of one hour, as per the court booking time.
Non-members are welcome to take lessons. A guest fee of $10.00 will apply.
For more information about private lessons, contact our email,
blackburntennisclub@gmail.com or call us at 613-824-0002.